I think at the moment DC is catching a pretty hard break in the media. Their films have honestly been lagging behind Marvel and its sad to see. It’s even sadder to me that I’ve heard people say DC suck, solely based off of their movie presence which isn’t true at all.
I very rarely buy single issues of comics any more as I just wait for the trade paper backs and grab those instead but as soon as I heard about DC’s Metal event I tried to grab everything I could.
The Batman who Laughs immediately became my favourite comic character in recent times.
In the Metal event the story shows a range of Batmen from alternate dimensions become twisted evil amalgamations including a Batman/ Doomsday crossover called ‘The Devastator’, a Batman/ Flash crossover called ‘The Red Death’ and the Batman/Joker crossover call the ‘Batman who laughs’.
Having a villain that mixes the skills of Batman, the Joker’s absence of moral code and visual call backs to 2000AD’s Judge Death, I just immediately fell in love with this character and couldn’t stop drawing him.